
Showing posts from August, 2021

St Germanus Pt.2

An account of the battle from the point of view of the perfidious Hessian mercenary lapdogs to the Hanoverian crown can be found at

The Battle of St. Germanus of Auxerre

As any fule kno, the 31st of July is that particular saints Day, so that was the name we (myself and oppo Andy T) chose to give our inaugural battle of Maurice sort-of Succession Wars campaign between the forces of Hesse and the Catholic majesty of France. My first game in about 20 months against a human opponent! We both selected a 100 point army, using the guidelines in the book and set up the table in a mutually acceptable manner.  My army. Most of the infantry were subsequently Broken and will return as Conscript level units. The National Characteristics make things interesting. Lethal Volleys are a must have and the Oblique Order made manoeuvring my infantry a bit easier.  An overview of the table. Hesse to the left, France to the right. The herd of cows in the middle were fair game.  My front line of infantry consisted of my Grenadiers as Elite and the other Trained level units.  The artillery, with their Professional Train found th