
Showing posts from March, 2021

Skirmish on the edge of Khemikhal

 The first actual tabletop battle was a small affair fought last night.  US forces comprised 302/1, a Marine company of 4 Infantry,  an HMG support platoon and an 81mm support platoon along with an FAO for naval gunfire support.   Facing them was a mixed Khemed force of an armoured recce company of 2 BRDM2 & 2 BMP-2's,  an Infantry company of 4 Infantry,  mortar and HMG and an artillery battery of 3 on table 152mm guns (represented by some 100mm AT guns). Shown above is the outskirts of town,  looking south towards the coast. (I place Khemed as being next to Yemen on the southern coast of the Arabian peninsula). The Marines needed to seize the village and hold it until nightfall on turn 8. Khemed forces would enter from the road to the right in a random order. The very first dice roll of the Americans was a blunder,  which set the tone for much of the game on both sides. The Marines rushed to take up positions in the buildings along with the FAO who called in some accurate fire

Getting started...

 I thought I'd join the online world a little bit later than most. So, first post will be an update on the Invasion campaign I've adapted from the guys at Wasatch Front istorical Gaming in Utah. Their e-zine Warning Order is much recommended.  The campaign has started with US Marines landing in multiple areas with an airborne raid being repulsed in the central area on the map. The picture below shows the state of play at the end of turn 1. It's a 12 turn campaign so the Marines need to establish their beachhead swiftly and start moving inland. The campaign map at the end of Turn 1.