Joy of Six 2024 part 1

Another fine turnout for JoS, with another fine array of games to look at and be inspired by. I shall focus on our game, the 1948 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, as rediscovered by Richard Crawley of this parish. We have gamed this as part of Crisis Point which took place in Bradfield earlier this year and this game was to focus on several phases of the invasion with an emphasis on airborne operations. 
Stary Boleslav sits on the river Elbe. The AA Battery can be seen behind its wire perimeter. An airfield with a QRF sits in the right of the picture. 
Phase one was to be a small skirmish type affair, with a reinforced company-sized element of Soviet paras acting as pathfinders and moving to eliminate an AA battery on the outskirts of the town prior to the main drop taking place. The heaviest weapons were HMGs and mortars. The pathfinders first had to blow gaps in the wire before using Initiative actions (don't roll a 1, basically) to spike the guns. 
The Soviets took some casualties but within about 3 turns, the guns were out of action and so the decks were cleared for Phase 2, a drop of 2 battalions of VDV plus the regimental 85mm AT guns, which were to prove their value in phase 3. I took this opportunity to go and get some food and drink and do some some shopping and the game was left to Richard, Andy C and Ian S to battle it out. 
Upon my return, the Soviets had managed to get a foothold on both sides of the river and there were burning Hetzer SP guns scattered about, so phase 2 was deemed a success and so the battlefield was cleared, a battalion of VDV was consolidated in the town and the 85mm AT guns were dug into hasty gun pits, ready to fend off Phase 3- the Czech armoured counter attack... 
In the meantime, here are some photos of other games. 
The stunning Bloody Omaha game, ready to go. 

Per and the Wyre Forest Gamers early 18th century river crossing. 
A fabulous Mediterranean hilltop town. 

Milton Keynes gamers ran a 1985 game using the Sabre Squadron rules. 
There were a lot more games to look at, but I didn't have a huge amount of time to properly casty my eye over them, but they all seemed busy and chatty. 


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