Warriors and Poets - Big Game weekend

A great weekend of gaming was enjoyed at Richard P's The Unit, in Stone this weekend. AAR's elsewhere will doubtless cover the weekends events with more detail, my twopenn'orth will cover my own corner of the battlefield.
This was the first real crack at CWC2 that I've had and we all seemed to have lots of questions over the weekend. Doubtless some clarifications and House Rules will smooth over some issues, but with the size of the forces involved and good gaming attitudes all round, both tables seemed to crack on through a decent number of turns without too much of the endless waiting for mega-forces being inched forwards. 
In general, I was quite pleased with the Irish Brigade's performance - their attached French armour suffered at the hands of a number of T55 battalions on the Saturday and after a ridge line became a line of flaming wrecks, the steadfast survivors trundled up, took up firing positions and went the same way as their Fréres in Arms. Air attacks we're randomised in what arrived, which made for added interest and a mix of USAF A10's, German Fiat G.91s, Phantoms , Danish F16's all made an appearance over the weekend, with varying degrees of success. 
Fiat G91s strafe a gun line of Soviet armour. 
French Mirage V
Alouette III makes a CWC debut. It survived and got a kill with its SS11 ATGW! 
Danish F16 strafing a crowded wood of infantry and armour on Day 2. 

As usual, the tables were looking great and offered challenges to all commanders in how to use the terrain, givi g the NATO forces chances to bring their longer ranged tank guns to maximum advantage. 
This A10, a battery of MLRS and I believe a battery of 155mm guns were needed to remove a single platoon of VDV from an airfield building. A staggering array of firepower that must surely have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars! 

By close of play on Sunday, the Irish Brigade had started working a lead company through the airfield on their left flank, with a coordinated attack from US armour and mech infantry that was beginning to whittle down the VDV defenders. On their main front, the second battalion of Irish had used Carl Gustav's and judicious use of hand grenades and the cover of trees to sneak up and KO a number of T55s and so held the town. Their Milan missiles had also taken a toll n the Soviet armour, ably assisted by a double 1... 
A great weekend of gaming, thanks again to Richard P for hosting and to all attendees for their patience and good egg-edness. 
Buses were given a wide berth, fears of booby traps* or something untoward happening, as a result of possible Spetsnaz sleeper cells and/or the mind of Mr Phillips..!
*"Theres a bomb on the bus!" for the movie fans... 


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