1 Hour Wargames

I recently bought Programmed Wargames Scenarios by Charles S Grant and wanted to give it a go. I've had the One Hour Wargames Rules by Neil Thomas for a while now and thought the two would make a good match. 
I chose scenario 1, Hill Defence and busted out my 7 Years War stuff, based for Maurice. The French would be the Blue Force and programmed to defend, while Red Force would be the British. I don't have any British light infantry based as skirmishers, but I do have some Baccus Woodland Indians/Native Americans. So this would be a battle in the Americas, somewhere in Canada/13 colonies. I didn't have any Personalities to affect the forces and the victory conditions are a bit vague in the scenarios book. I decided that I would play an hour and at the end of the hour that would signal nightfall and the British would need to be in command of the hill line. 
This was also a chance to try the hills set I bought from Kallistra at Partizan last week.

The starting line seen from behind Red force.
The British gun opens fire at long range. 
A rolling cavalry melee surged back and forth on the Red left flank.
The Iroquois skirmishers look to count coup against the French.
Neat the end, the Red cavalry on the right are about to sweep down on the infantry units flank as well as carry off the gun. Hits are being acquired after brutal firefights, 1 Red line regiment is 1 hit away from breaking. 
The final move. The Iroquois have seized the hill. 

By the end of the hour/nightfall the Red forces had seized the right flank hills but Blue had control of the left. The dice roll at the start said that Blue would be happy retaining partial control of their defensive line. So I made it a minor French victory.
The rules are indeed fast paced, work fine for solo play and the game cracked along nicely. Would be interesting to see how they fare in 2 player as well. But I'm a big fan of Maurice and enjoy them immensely. But these work fine for getting a game on pretty easily. I'll play them again.
I shall endeavour to get another Khemed game in this week, using the new CWC2 rules. No painting lately, mostly because the anti scratch coating on one of my glasses lenses has, ironically, scratched, so close up vision is blurry. Real life can be very annoying. 


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