Seize the railhead- Khemed Campaign

After too long a break from gaming, family commitments keeping me from the CWC game in Grimsby and a lack of enthusiasm for painting, I decided that this half term would see me continue with the Khemed Invasion campaign I've been playing on and off this year. The next game in the campaign was an encounter between mixed armour and infantry forces. I mixed up the terrain by placing a freight railhead on the table and making possession of that the objective for both sides. Forces were as follows: USMC CO HQ FAO 30/4 3 infantry, 1 Javelin ATGW, 2 trucks 5/7 2 M1 Abrams 72 LAV-25 Recce 4/7 3 AAVP-7, 4 infantry, 1 81mm mortar Off table artillery- 3 155mm guns, 3 105mm guns Khemed CO HQ FAO ALERT 3 4 infantry, 2 trucks 9/15 2 T-55 11/15 2 infantry, 1 HMG 10/21 3 AMX-30 Off table artillery- 2 120mm mortars Each element of both forces was given a number 1-6 and would enter on the roll of a D6. If that forces number had already been rolled, a single reroll could take place. This had q...