
Showing posts from August, 2024

Dos Amos campaign - first encounter

With the wife and children away at the East Coast for the bank holiday, I am using the time to get a summer holiday solo game in as well as undertake some DIY by painting the bathroom. Dropping and spilling a massive tin of paint in the shed was a good start...  However, I have begun the opening moves of the Dos Amos campaign. Using the rules laid out in the Programmed Wargames Scenarios book, the US 82nd are to follow a strategy of a twin pronged assault on the east and west coasts. They aim to capture the settlements at A6 (Carriafou) and F4 (At George) before moving to the main objective at G9, Mount Argyle. A small screening force will push to the bridge at E5.  The Cuban 'volunteers' are screening with patrols along A3, B3 who will not engage but shadow any Americans.  The first engagement was on Day 2. task Force Kroesen entered St George, where the combined forces of F3 and F4 were to fight a delaying action. I decided that the Cubans would be happy with dela

The summer campaign and WIP

The summer holidays are progressing very nicely. Last week saw the family head north to Northumberland. A beautiful part of the country and with lots of castles to look at.  Drove past a convoy of about 6 of these Mastiff PPV's on the A1, near Catterick.  Bamburgh, or Bebbanberg, for The Last Kingdom fans, at sunset.  In the meantime, I have made progress on the Cubans for the Dos Amos campaign. Initial forces have been deployed on paper, as per the instructions for both Blue and Red forces in Programmed Wargames Scenarios. Thanks to the Olympics coverage, I have had plenty of painting sessions and over the past 2 days, have painted and flocked 18 infantry plus 10 assorted support weapons such as Sagger ATGW, HMGs etc. HQ and CO units will follow and if a plan by the wife and kids to have a day out with some friends comes to fruition on Friday, then I might get a game in.  Commission Figurines MDF walls, bought at Jo6 and all finished.