
Showing posts from June, 2024

Dos Amos campaign WIP

Not a great deal of progress of late, the painting mojo has come and gone, but the Euros and then the Olympics will give me opportunity to be sat with televisual entertainment of an evening and so the brushes will be out. But I have made a start on the Cuban air support for the campaign.  A Mig 23 and a Hind D. Photos are a bit dark, I'll add some better ones asap.  At least the blue and green will add a bit of tropical colour to the olive drab Soviet equipment. 

The best laid plans of Mice and Men...

This was very much a defining feature of my week off...  I had high hopes for this week. If nothing else, I would have liked to enjoy the decent weather, some nice meals, a few beers, time with the family and some hobby time. Sadly, a bout of norovirus reduced me to the status of a dried husk on Sunday and Monday and left me somewhat tired and with low energy for the rest of the week. So, no game was played and there wasn't much painting done.  That being said, I did some reading, I did some Dos Amos planning and I had a good look through my Lead Pile and found enough BTR60's to motorise a battalion of Cuban infantry. I also ordered some Cuban air support from H&R and found a lively colour scheme that will make up for the usual Soviet olive green drab vehicles... So, onwards and upwards. I have 7 weeks (and 2 days) of school left and a summer campaign project to bring to fruition as well as my contribution to the Joy of Six game in July and sorting m