The Battle of Gelsenkirchen- a Maurice game

My usual opponent Andrew came over to Sheffield this morning and thanks to a north-facing room and a fan, we were able to play a reasonably comfortable game of Maurice. the field of battle. Today is the Feast of St. Hippolytus. There is a church dedicated to him near Gelsenkirchen in Westphalia, hence the name. Possession of the farm was decided as the objective . The French forces began in column and used their Cadence National Advantage to move swiftly and deploy into line. The Chasseur des Fischer on their left flank were observers for the entire game... Two line regiments traded blows with Buckeburg Carabiniers in the woods. Their mounted comrades which had taken up station to the left of the woods had been despatched quite quickly by the French artillery firing with great accuracy. in the centre, the main battle lines drew closer and exchanged punishing volleys that seesawed with no great advantage for a while. On th...