Khemed campaign, Ride of the Abrams AAR

This battle that took place in Area 15 on the campaign map.. Success here would allow the Marines to strike into the rear areas on the map, needed for success in the campaign. I decided that the Americans would need to cross the board with their whole force to score a victory. The table set up had a number of compounds and trees that provided a lot of cover for an ambush force. I chose 3 random locations and then assigned the 3 on table Khemed units to them using a d6. They would start hidden until theyoved or fired. I also used this Solo AI that I found online. Khemed forces would base their actions on this. Below is the board. The US forces would need to travel the length of the road, heading north and exit off the board. The D6s show where the Khemed forces would be hidden. The FAO was on the hill to the left. US forces CO HQ FAC 2 Abrams 2 Abrams 3 infantry, 1 81mm mortar, 1 AAVP7 1 infantry, 1 truck Air support- AC130 Spooky Khemed fo...